How a small strip changed our world – Tru Earth
I hope you didn’t think that we are going to have offspring or that we have adopted the long-awaited young dog. No – Tru Earth does something completely different.
By the way: You may have noticed that the application images are photographed with a different product package. These are the European packaging. Everything else is exactly the same.
Tru Earth – the small strip
We would like to tell you about our latest discovery in our motor home everyday life.
Everyone knows the condition when the laundry bag is full and the washing day is getting closer and closer. Then you have to sort your laundry, adjust the detergent, sort out delicate washing items and possibly do a hand wash.
Tru Earth is for us the optimal solution for the washing everyday life, whether on the camping site with the always changing washing machines, or with the hand laundry in a bucket in front of our camper.
Now the time has come and the washing day is getting closer and closer as our clothes are slowly coming to an end and we get to work. Just reach into the drawer, take a strip from the bag and off you go.
But first some information and facts why we are so enthusiastic about these products and we decided to publish this article.
It is important to us to do something for the environment wherever possible, given today’s global pollution. Be it with washing-up liquid, shower gel or even waste disposal, which can sometimes be a skewering rod run.
In addition, we know almost no one who says you have too much space in your motor home for storing important items such as detergents etc.
Protect the environment with a tiny stripe, perfect for everyday life and on the road in a motor home.
We came across the Tru Earth’s products by chance, which incidentally have their origin in Canada. It meets many of the criteria that our dirty laundry has to meet and is ecological and environmentally friendly. And therefore we would not like to withhold the product from you.
We are talking about the ECO detergent strips from Tru Earth. Yes strips, you have read correctly. The strips are ultra-concentrated and environmentally friendly and replace all commercial detergents.
Just to mention a few of the advantages which are important for us and maybe also for you:
- needs extremely little space, 1 package corresponds to one DIN A4 (6ft 10in x 9ft 9in, 0.2in thick) sheet
- Package is sufficient for 32 wash cycles of 4-5 kg laundry each
- One strip weighs less than 3 gram
- Tru Earth’s Eco-Strips are easily biodegradable
- free from palm oil, paraben, phosphate, dioxins, microplastics, dyes, enzymes, bleach, without fillers and vegan
- Can be used at temperatures from 0-95 degrees – i.e. hand wash to boil wash
- With 384 wash strips it is then only 0.35 cent per wash cycle.
So that colorful things stay colorful and so does nature. How does that work?
Simply place an Eco-Strip in the washing machine with the laundry and start the washing program. For hand washing, simply pour water at the desired temperature into a basin and add an eco-strip of Tru Earth to the water. The strip dissolves by itself within a very short time and hand washing can begin.
Tru Earth’s Eco-strips are for us not to be imagined without and a perfect travel companion for our laundry. We save a lot of space and also weight and relieve the environment. It also eliminates the need to carry washing agents and dispose of containers, which in turn has a major impact on the environment.
If you think 50 cents is a bit much for one wash, you may not yet know the ruse of the detergent manufacturers. Many detergents in powder form often contain up to half of unnecessary fillers, which has no washing effect whatsoever and only ensures that the powder has more volume, remains dry and trickles better out of the measuring cups. We are not spending any more money on that!
Since I am often allergic to certain detergent ingredients and not always the same detergents are available on our trip around the world, Tru Earth is the optimal solution for us. Since I have been using Tru Earth’s Eco-Strips I have not had any allergic reactions on my skin. Scented and hypoallergenic washing is so easy today.
16% less detergent and 94% less environmental pollution, that’s something!
Simply order detergent online and a few days later it is already in your mailbox. What more do you want?
Maybe a link where you can quickly and easily order free shipping.
We would be happy if you would order via our link. Just click on the photo below and you can place your order. Your purchase will not be more expensive, it just reduces the profit of Amazon. A small amount of your order will flow to us, which will pay us for our time spent on this item. We thank you in advance for this.
Tru Earth ECO-Stripes are available with fragrance (blue), without fragrance (green) and (pink) for baby in sizes from 8 to 384 wash strips.
Your order is of course free of shipping costs worldwide to the address of your choice. We are looking forward to your feedback.
Greet your Dubu`s
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